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Who We Support

A percentage of all sales goes towards the development of products and projects to:


  • Build confidence and resilience in young people

  • Provide ways for young people to connect with the elderly

  • Encourage children to be "Good Sports".


A number of our products are already achieving this....


Our 2inspire 2019 monthly calendar is aimed at teens to provide inspiration and tips for building confidence and resilience and fostering positive friendships.


Our Grand Games Cafe Activity Bag has been developed with the idea that children can take one along when visiting their Grandparent, or perhaps an elderly neighbour and play some traditional games, or just spend time chatting and colouring.


In the longer term, it is envisaged that Primary Schools could partner with a local Aged Care facilities and students could perhaps visit the residents once a term to provide friendship and social interaction.  Great for both young and old!


If you would like to get involved, or have a suggestion for a project, please contact 2inspire.  We'd love to hear from you.



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